Address36043 Camisano Vicentino (VI) Italy
Call+39 0444/610746

Elmec for the EnvironmentEco-sustainabilityEco-sustainability

Elmec is committed to environmental sustainability, uses a controlled fume extraction system, has a 320 kWh photovoltaic system, purchases electricity only from renewable sources and has adopted LED lighting throughout the entire premises.
Elmec for the Environment


In these years marked by climate change, the corporate objectives cannot be separated from a continuous search for solutions aimed at limiting its impact on the environment inasmuch as possible.
For this reason, Elmec makes use of:
Fume extraction and filtering system for atmospheric emissions subject to periodic checks as per regulations in force.
Own 320 kWh photovoltaic system.
Use of electricity, purchased from the grid, produced exclusively from renewable energy sources, without CO2 emission into the atmosphere and without consumption of natural resources.
Lighting system with LED technology throughout the entire premises.